Saturday, September 18, 2010


Judo is one of the empty hand martial art that originated in Japan. The word comes from the kanji judo ju (soft) and dou (way), which means 'smooth the way' or 'soft path'. Judo practitioner is generally called judokaBut the term judoka is used only for persons who have reached certain levels. In judo, a judoka learn martial arts techniques as well as if the soul, according to the philosophy of judo, which achieve maximum efficiency in mental and physical energy

History of Judo
Judo is actually a development of empty hand martial arts, JujutsuJujutsu is very unique because it does not use excessive force or power but to use the skill, ingenuity, balance and skill to paralyze the opponent with minimum force. Jujutsu is estimated to have been born since the Heian period (794-1184) and then standardized in the late Azuchi-Momoyama period and continues to grow and experience improvements. Towards the end of the Edo period in the late 19th century, Japan has grown about 60 streams that flow leading Jujutsu with the Kito-ryu and Tenjin Shin'yo-ryuBoth streams are known as his trademark in other techniques. 1877, a 18-year-old boy from Hyogo Prefecture named Jigoro Kano (1860-1938), began to learn Jujutsu in the dojo (training studio) Shin'yo Tenjin-ryuUnder the care of Hachinosuke Fukada, youth Kano studied randori (free practice) and kata (art). Later he also received guidance from Tsunetoshi Iikubo of Kito-ryu that teaches Jujutsu forms completely different to what he had learned earlier.With effect from the second flow, the young Kano Jujutsu refine its findings and called it as judo. At the age of 22 years, after graduation from Tokyo University, Kano took nine students Kito-ryu dojo to be educated with judo. They practice in Eiso-ji, a Buddhist temple in Kamakura. Place of practice itself finally called the Kodokan (school to learn the way).

Judo Technique
Kano choose the best techniques of various schools Jujutsu, fix some parts and created several new techniques which are classified into three groups, namely: nage-waza (throws), katame-waza (lockdown) and atemi-waza (attack). Nage-waza subdivided into five levels, known as gokyo no waza with a total 40 kinds of throws that includes tachi-waza (throws made while standing) and sutemi-waza (throws as he threw himself). Katame-waza subdivided into osaekomi-waza (holding), shime-waza (strangulation) and kansetsu-waza (joint locking). Atemi-waza is divided into two, namely ude-ate (attacked by hand) and ashi-ate (attacked by foot). However, before studying that technique, every judoka must first learn the ukemi (way down), shizen (easel), kumikata (gripping), tai sabaki (steping), kuzushi (balancing) etc.

Practicing Judo
In practice judo, we first need a dojo. Dojo floor should be on Cover with tatami (mat / mat japan). The size of at least one set of tatami for exercise is 14x14 meters (1 sheet sized tatami approximately 1x2 meters). A dojo should ideally consist of 128 tatami. Kodokan itself as the main dojo, initially only have a 12 tatami and now has grown to 986 tatami. Wow! Next we have to wear special clothing for the practice called judogiJudogi consists of uwagi (a kind of thick clothes) and shitagi (pants). In addition, the judoka should also wear the obi (belt), accoding to the levels they own.

Level in Judo
Judo practitioners were divided into two, mudansha (colored obi) and yudansha (black obi). Mudansha divided into the five-kyu, the lowest was 5-kyu, while yudansha divided into 10 levels dan, the highest is 10-danObi color to mudansha (successively from the lowest) were: white (not counted kyu), yellow, orange, green, blue and brown. Judoka many men who reach 10-dan yet for women who got only a 9-danSpecial to Jigoro Kano the founder of judo, awarded him 12-dan.

Judo match
Judo was first introduced to the world in the Olympic Games 1932 in Los Angeles, where Kano and 200 judoka hold exhibitions. Judo actually competed in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. As for the category of new female judo match held at the Olympic Games 1988. World Judo Championship which is the most prestigious judo championships held every two years. Champion Yasuhiro Yamashita is the famous (4 times world champion) and Ryoko Tani (7 times world champion), known by the nickname Yawara-chan (the famous manga character Yawara! Authorship Naoki Urasawa).In a match there judo classification into seven weight classes. The match was held on top of tatami-sized 9x9 feet and led by one main referee and 2 assistant referees. Scoring system used are points which are: koka, yuko, waza-ari and ipponIf a judoka nage-waza successfully perform perfectly in the game, then he would have an ippon and the match finished.

Judo and the World
Organizations that shaded the judoka in the world is the International Judo Federation (IJF) in addition to the Kodokan Judo Institute also plays an important role in the development of judo world. Currently almost all countries in the world has a judo organization. In Indonesia alone, judo is known since 1949 and the organizations that shelter, judo Association of Indonesia (PJSI) was established on December 25, 1955. We can be proud because some athletes Indonesia has spread its wings up to the world judo scene.

Source : Animonster May 2008 Vol. 110, page. 068-069